Post Chemotherapy Home Remedies: Minimize Side Effects of Chemotherapy

A decrease in red blood count leads to fatigue, lack of energy, shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat. To combat such a drop one should:

Fatigue and Pain
Common side effects of chemotherapy are fatigue, pains and aches in the body, and general drop in energy levels.

Recurrent Infections

Nausea and Vomiting
A common side effect of chemotherapy is nausea. Doctors prescribe the intake of anti emetics to control this. On one hand, these medications help in preventing nausea symptoms in intensity as well as frequency, and on the other hand, they have many side effects like constipation, flushing of the skin, problems sleeping (insomnia), indigestion and headaches.

Oral Mucositis
Another side effect of chemotherapy is cancer-related mouth sores forming on the inside lining of the mouth or lips. Sores can appear on any of the soft tissues of the lips or mouth, including the gums, tongue, roof and floor of the mouth, thus making it difficult to eat, talk, swallow and breathe.

Weak Digestive System
Chemotherapy can affect all the three processes of food intake – appetite, digestion and excretion, thus making it difficult to get nourishment into the body when it needs it the most. To keep up the appetite, strengthen digestion, and regularize excretion, the following tips can be helpful:

Disclaimer: If you are experiencing any or several of the symptoms, you should talk to your doctor. You must verify with your physician before applying this article’s suggestions to your individual situation.