Embrace The Chaos


Bob Miglani is fascinated by India, a country that is complex and diverse. Its culture has not only survived for thousands of years, it is thriving with vast knowledge and enormous information resources. The author of “Embrace the Chaos” was born in India, and raised in New Jersey, USA. His parents immigrated to the U.S. when he was nine years old, but he frequently travels to India. He holds a management position with a Fortune 50 corporation, and is also a writer and volunteer.

In this book, Miglani describes how democratic India functions, and family units survive, in spite of its complex diversity. He emphasizes that the fast-paced Western world can draw lessons from India, where with mutual understanding and adjustment during rough times and economic hardships, joy, happiness, and fulfilment are possible.

One of the revelations in the book is that chaos is an undisputed part of life. The author suggests that we have very little control over our life which is controlled mostly by outside events. However we can have full control of our inner life – just by deciding how to react to chaos. It is a waste of time to control others, and it is blissful to know we are in control of our inner self.

India, a country of over one billion people, the largest democracy in the world, operates in spite of thousands of chaotic situations. His advice is to embrace the chaos, and to stay calm and collected when things go wrong, since all events are unpredictable. Chaos is here to stay, it is a fact of life. Fighting chaos is waste of energy, and in doing so one will miss out on possible opportunities for joy and happiness. Instead, Miglani says, “Enjoy the moment and move on with life. Waiting for change and perfection is a losing proposition. One can achieve more if the chaos is embraced.”

With multiple anecdotes, examples, and stories sprinkled in Embrace the Chaos, Miglani has created an excellent self-help book for readers who are seeking joy and happiness in life in the Western world.

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