
Everything Starts with Your Thoughts but Doesn’t End There!!

Dimple Mehta

So many senior managers, corporate leaders, students and even parents keep asking me about “Why even after being so positive with their thoughts they aren’t able to deliver…they aren’t happy?” 

The answer is simple; thoughts which are not backed by actions are highly demotivating, stressful and damaging. If you set a goal for yourself and all you do is keep thinking about it… won’t do any good.

 Thoughts have great power. Thus, a thinker has to be extremely mindful about few things. 

1.  It’s just a thought till it becomes reality 

“I thought you loved me, I thought we are best friends, I thought you were cheating on me, I thought my boss would never appreciate my work”. See!! All this while you have been thinking and you are still far away from reality. So don’t decide anything basis your “thoughts” alone. 


2.  Thoughts are not actions 

“I been thinking a lot but don’t see any solution to my problem”. “Been thinking about joining a gym, but don’t think it will work for me”. Again, without putting your thoughts into action how can you arrive at a conclusion? If you think something is good for you…then the least you can do is “try” before deciding that you can’t. 

3.  Your thoughts are your introduction to the world  

Some people have the power of motivating you just by sharing their thoughts and in contrast some can literally pull you down by sharing theirs. You are happy or sad, hopeful or hopeless, rude or pleasant – it all depends upon the thoughts inside you. If you are a positive thinker you have the power to heal yourself and others around you. 

To simply sum it up for you – you act basis your thoughts. It is quite clear, therefore, you must bring a careful change in the way you think, in order to create happiness and a sense of fulfilment in your life and that of others around you.

DimpleA parenting expert and a Mindfulness n Character Strength Coach, Dimple Mehta holds a 15 years+ experience in the space of Parenting and Happiness. She is working with Parents, Children and Teachers to gain a positive perspective towards life and helping them recognise their strengths leading to an improved sense of contentedness. Dimple with her team at Soul Diets are working with various Schools, institutions, Corporates, NGO’s and Foundations in the same space.

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