Supporting the Cause of Underprivileged Children May 13-14, 2011, New York, NY and Seattle, WA

CRY – Child Rights and You America Inc., a non-profit organization that works to restore the rights of  underprivileged children, especially in India, hosted two benefit dinners in New York and Seattle. Pledge 2011 was attended by 150 people from New York-New Jersey and Uphaar 2011 was attended by 175 members from the western Washington community, who came together to partner with CRY America’s work to benefit underprivileged children. Over $215,000 was raised across both dinner events, resources that will be directed towards funding several projects that ensure lasting change in the lives of children. The evenings included talks by Puja Marwaha, CEO of CRY India, Shefali Sunderlal, President of CRY America and keynote addresses by Sharmila Tagore and Soha Ali Khan, renowned actors from India.

Top :  Shefali Sunderlal, President, CRY America with Sharmila Tagore, legendary Indian actor and Puja Marwaha, CEO, CRY India .

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