
Seven Myths of Meditation

Chandresh Bhardwaj

Meditation is surrounded with myths. These myths vary from culture to culture and are often an outcome of the meditation practice without a qualified guide. These myths not only hamper the meditation progress, but also block the potential residing within you. An enriching meditation experience is independent of rigid rules. There is no one perfect way to meditate. Once you are on the journey, you may take a different route too. However, the guidance of a qualified guru/master is needed to make sure you learn and practice rightly.

1) Posture myth


Many people believe that meditation is done only in Padmasana (cross-legged) posture. Sitting cross-legged on the floor is definitely one of the postures, but it’s not the only posture for meditation. Always keep in mind that any posture which gives you discomfort is not the right posture. You can try different postures such as sitting on a chair, bed, etc. The advanced techniques of meditation can make you qualify to practice meditation while cooking, dancing, walking, eating, or any other daily task. One of the intense meditation techniques called Yoga Nidra is done while lying down the ground.

2) Religion myth


Religion is supposed to be like water: transparent, universal, and satisfying the thirst of anyone. Sadly, we have made religion into a salsa. It’s taste is different under different chefs, can be too spicy to the tongue, and above all, its ingredients are ever-changing to suit the taste of many. Meditation brings in fresh air, as it is independent of any religion. A person of any religion, caste, or culture is most welcome to enjoy the serenity of meditation. Awareness created from meditation will lead to a religion that’s all about love.

3) Age myth


It’s a common scene to see middle-aged people joining meditation classes. However, with increased awareness, trends are changing and more young people are joining this movement of raising awareness. People of any age can start meditation. In fact, it should be taught from the age of five, if not before. Parents can teach their kids to be in silence for at least 10 minutes every day and increase the time after every six months. If you can learn to be silent, you can master anything in the world.

4) “Only Monks Allowed” myth

You neither have to be a monk residing in the Himalayas nor renounce the world at any stage. You can carry on your daily chores of life and still be one with your inner self. In fact, the challenge is to be a responsible householder while maintaining the practice of meditation. With the daily practice of meditation, you will see a growing ability to face the daily stress of life with a smile on your face. The challenges and duties will not vanish, but you will become strong enough to cope them all with ease.

5) Technique myth

Many people are stuck in techniques, asking questions, such as: “What technique should I use? Is one technique good for all?” All of us are born with a unique aura and we have a unique purpose to fulfill. Just like one medicine doesn’t work for all patients, the same way one technique may not suit everyone. However, it is recommended that you practice various techniques sincerely to see what technique fits you the most. Sooner or later, you will know what technique to adopt. These are a few situations where a guru can truly show you the direction.

6) Perfection myth


Is there a perfect way of doing meditation? If you look around, no trees or rivers are trying to be perfect. They are so busy in their own selves that such issues are not even striking their presence. In reality, perfection is nothing more than our projection. Everything is perfect the way it is. Don’t stress about perfecting your meditation. Simply live the experience!

7) Relaxation myth

Meditation is heavily promoted as a tool to relax and calm you. It definitely makes you relaxed, but don’t limit the benefits of meditation to just relaxation. Feeling calm and serene is an effortless outcome of any meditation technique. The benefits of meditation go far beyond our imagination. The ancient meditation mentioned in tantra holds immense power to cure you from dreaded diseases and bring abundant prosperity in your life. As you advance in your meditation journey, you should definitely try to practice deeper techniques of meditation.

Have a myth-free meditation!

Seven6Chandresh Bhardwaj is the founder of the self-realization center – Break The Norms Movement, and has launched Uncensored Spirituality Foundation. Bhardwaj is one of the youngest inspirational new age teachers and the seventh generation spiritual guide pursuing initiatives in the eastern science of healing and transformation. He conducts public talks and workshops.He is a published writer and promotes spiritual dialogue in meditation, repressed emotions, and Tantra.

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