The Aim Achievement Triad

Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji

Though every individual desires to progress in life, he is not entirely prepared for transformation. Man prays for the fulfillment of his desire of becoming either a millionaire or a billionaire, but he is not prepared to efficiently manage the money that will come to him. Man is in search of the ultimate, but is not ready to receive the ultimate.

When you are prepared for a certain thing or accomplishment, then that thing is drawn towards you. Are you totally prepared to receive the result of your prayers? Are you prepared for your total self-transformation? Have your preparations molded you to be an heir to the life of a king?

The aim achievement triad contains the following steps:

  • Decide your aim (On your mark. . .)
  • Prepare for your aim (Get set. . .)
  • Plan your work and work your plan (Go.)

The first step of the aim achievement triad is to decide your aim – to settle over an aim. First and foremost, bestow upon your life the right direction by setting an aim. All the three vertices of the aim achievement triad together frame the foundation of total self-transformation.

The second step of preparing for your aim is all about discipline. Out of every hundred people who win a jackpot in lottery draws, more than ninety are back to being poor within a year. The cause is nothing but indiscipline, not being prepared. After having reached the pinnacle of success, in order to sustain yourself at the peak, you need discipline and self-control. Some people climb the ladder of success instantly, but failing to keep themselves there, they fall down from those heights. Discipline is all about demolishing the vices of laziness, various addictions and developing qualities such as patience, courage, self-confidence, honesty, fearlessness, and so on. Being influenced by what friends say, one may succumb to various bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs, gambling, and so on). Gradually these develop into habits, which cannot be curbed.

The next part of preparation is the discipline of the tongue. Those who are not disciplined in the use of their tongue (speech) fall an easy prey to the following six vices and thus hamper their progress.

Stay away from these six vices of speech:

  • Uttering harsh, rude, bad or abusive language.
  • Sarcasm, even if it is in response to someone reproaching you.
  • Lending your opinions even when you are not asked to do so.
  • Backbiting and inciting quarrels.
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