
The Year of Captivation

Dr. Natalia M Schotte

The Gregorian calendar, which marks January 1st as the New Year, has come to govern modern-day life. This calendar is out of sync with nature. As a result, it has produced a lifestyle cut off from the soul in which we are always busy, anxious to get things done, rushing here and there, stressed by responsibilities and schedules – frazzled and burnt out as a society. It is time to transcend this model of linear time and live in accordance with spiritual time. Synchronizing our lives with nature supports living in spiritual time. Becoming conscious of – and acting upon – the personal growth potential available with each season is a powerful way to utilize spiritual time to accelerate our spiritual growth.

The cycle of nature begins anew each year at the Autumnal Equinox. At this time, the seeds for the new Nature Year are planted and with this, our personal and collective cycles for the next 12 months are set in motion. Every year, a new evolutionary cycle in which we have the opportunity to ascend the ladder of consciousness toward our perfected and sacred selves is initiated, and with each summer, this cycle reaches fruition.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the current nature year began on September 22, 2013 and will end on September 22, 2014. Using my interpretation of esoteric systems as the basis for intuitive insight, I established a trajectory for our spiritual unfolding during the 2013-2014 Nature Year. What follows is my exploration of the various factors influencing our spiritual progress this year, and guidance as to the spiritual task at hand. Though we are currently well into this Nature Year, as spring approaches we have the opportunity to create fertile ground for our annual emergence into our greater selves.

Mayan Calendar: Kin 222 White Magnetic Wind

The Tzolkin calendar is a sacred Mayan calendar based on the 260-day rotation of the planet Venus around Earth. It reflects natural time—in contrast to the arbitrary and artificial time represented by the Gregorian calendar. There is a different energy signature for each day of the Tzolkin calendar. Each energy signature is composed of one of 13 tones of creation and one of 20 solar tribes. These tones and tribes combine to create 260 total possibilities, known as galactic signatures. Much like astrology, the galactic signature for your date of birth provides a template for your potential and purpose in this incarnation.

The galactic signature for September 22, 2013 was White Magnetic Wind. I define magnetism as the soul quality that draws to you all that is required to fulfill your soul contract. Magnetism is an essential aspect of manifestation. I see wind as the breath of life, the power of the spoken word, the movement of spirit through our lives.

“Do not move Let the wind speak that is paradise.”
(Ezra Pound, Canto 120)

I interpret the meaning of White Magnetic Wind in relation to this Nature Year as: Deepen your breath… become more responsive to the magnetism of your soul. We are being called to use our breath as the primary means to increase our soul infusion level. Soul infusion level is the degree to which you live from your soul rather than your ego/personality.


Imagine yourself breathing more deeply…all of the time.
Imagine all of us breathing more deeply…all of the time.
Imagine the collective inhalation and exhalation becoming
powerful enough to raise the vibratory rate of humanity
above its current circumstances in this year.

Breath mastery is self-mastery

There are many approaches to deepening our breath, e.g., bodywork, conscious breathing exercises, meditation, Tai Chi, time in nature, Yoga. This year is an ideal time to adopt or deepen any of these practices. In addition, this is the year to heal the areas of our lives in which we experience the greatest stress. As we make these shifts, the breath holding response to our challenges is replaced by the deep breath of peace.

Consciousness precedes external experience

Lasting and meaningful change comes as the result of spiritual healing. I define spiritual healing as the process by which we erase the imprints of the past, at their point of origin within our consciousness. Underlying all our emotional responses to our current circumstances are deep and painful feelings related to unhealed imprints from our childhood and past lives. As we learn to breathe more deeply, we transcend emotion and develop our ability to feel. Emotions are projections of our inner wounds, directed at ourselves and/or others. They are attackoriented, blaming and dramatic, often experienced as highs and lows. Feelings are inherently authentic, self-oriented and reflect self-responsibility. They are subtle in nature and do not disturb our sense of balance or equanimity.

As we deepen our ability to feel, we expand our ability to heal. Fully experiencing the effects of the imprints of the past—through feeling—allows us to transcend them.

Mayan calendar: Galactic Activation Portal

In the Tzolkin calendar, 52 of the 260 days are galactic activation portals. September 22, 2013 was one of them.

“Galactic Activation Portals signify gateways to galactic consciousness… These openings invite us to activate our evolutionary potential!”
(Eden Sky, 13 Moon Natural Time Calendar)

I interpret this powerful start to a powerful year as indication we are experiencing a portal of transcendence. Here is a daily declaration to activate and support your passage through this portal:

I am declaring my allowance of spiritual healing to fulfill its function.

Erasing the imprint of the past, thereby anchoring my consciousness in the here and now and activating the portal of transcendence.

Card of Destiny: Two of Clubs


In the ancient esoteric system called the Cards of Destiny, one of 52 playing cards is associated with each day of the year. The card of destiny for your date of birth provides insightful information about your karmic path and the nature of your relationships. The card of destiny for September 22, 2013 is the two of Clubs. According to Sacred Symbols of the Ancients: The Mystical Significance of the Fifty-Two Playing Cards and Their Amazing Connection with Our Individual Birthdays by Edith L. Randall and Florence Evylinn Campbell, the Two of Clubs is governed by “the psychology of fear.”

The root cause of our fear is our perception of separation from soul/source. Though we may not be conscious of this perception of separation, our experience indicates the true state of our minds. A mind at one with soul/source is a mind at peace, and a peaceful mind creates peaceful experiences.

Fear is the source of all our “nightmares.” Rooted in our consciousness through the unhealed imprints of our experiences, fear underlies all our challenges. To transcend “pain and suffering,” it is important to understand that what is happening in the present is merely a reflection of deeply buried fears from the past.

The message of a galactic activation portal occurring on a White Magnetic Wind and Two of Clubs day is: Transcend your current challenges by healing the underlying imprints of fear, thereby releasing deeply rooted survival patterns and the breath-holding response.

Numerology/Tarot: 19/1 – The Sun Card

September 22, 2013 is a 19/1 in numerology:
9 (September is the 9th month)
22 (2 + 2) = 4
2013 (2 + 0 + 1 + 3) = TOTAL = 9 + 4 + 6 = 19 (1 + 9) = 10 (1 + 0) = 1

The number one, the number of beginnings, reminds us that this is the first full Nature Year after the Mayan calendar ended on December 21, 2012. This is the first full year in the new Galactic Creational Cycle. It is first year of New Time!


The Tarot card for the number 19 is the Sun. The Sun refers to our essential self, our soul. The Sun card indicates to me it is time to identify with our Souls rather than our ego/personalities. Also, after seeing the 1144 angel number regularly I decided to do some deeper research into numerology and My interpretation of the numerology for September 22, 2013 is that this first year of new time is the time to become fully Soul/Sun-infused. It is time to become the “Suns” of God we are here to be. Know that:

The Soul is a Powerful force.
It is the Voice for God/Source.
It is clear and strong, uncompromising in the Truth,
Courageous in action and motivated by Love.
You are powerful – Be powerful.

Full Moon at 27° Pisces

The Full Moon in Pisces occurred on September 19, 2013. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and governed the 2,000 years from the birth of Christ to the year 2000. The Age of Pisces represents “time past” and the “old ways.” We are now in the process of birthing the New Age – the Age of Aquarius. We are collectively learning to shift from Piscean dynamics to Aquarian dynamics, e.g., external authority to inner authority, individualism to collective consciousness, isolation to intimacy, self-sacrifice to self-empowerment. Once the Moon is waning, which begins immediately after the exact moment of a Full Moon, we begin a two-week cycle of release. I see the Autumnal Equinox occurring days after the Pisces Full Moon as providing the impetus and support for us to release the Piscean Dynamic. This Nature Year is a year of releasing all that is not in alignment with the new Aquarian Dynamic.

This clears the space to activate, adopt and incorporate all that is in alignment with Aquarian consciousness. Now we are moving strongly with the evolutionary current toward greater soul infusion.

In An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases, Dane Rudhyar presents an archetypal symbol for each of the 360 degrees in the zodiac. This reinterpretation of the symbolic astrology system known as the Sabian Symbols provides extraordinary insight into the evolutionary journey toward ascension. He defines the keynote of the Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon at 27° Pisces as “The Light of Fulfillment that blesses work well done.” This is the promise of the current Nature Year.

There is a sense of urgency in this Nature Year. There is so much we can accomplish at every level. We have a rare opportunity before us. Every moment counts. We can no longer delay our ascent without increasingly difficult consequences. It is time to let go of the incremental ways of the past and unevolved aspects of consciousness. The message for this Nature Year is clear: Surrender to the captivation of the soul.

As the Earth awakens and spring nears, the nature spirit kingdom prepares to infuse life with new vitality. Our hidden dreams and plans, set in motion on September 22, 2013, now gestating in the womb of winter, soon will be revealed. All of life is about to be reborn…to be spiritually renewed by the beauty of the blossoming flowers and the symphony of the birds. Now is the time to move expeditiously toward the perfected expression of your soul in form as you.

Capti6Dr. Natalia M Schotte, founder of La Vie de la Rose Flower Essences, is an internationally acclaimed author, counsellor, healer, and speaker in the field of spiritual growth. A Ph.D. in Spiritual/Therapeutic Counseling and an ordained minister through the International Council of Community Churches, Dr. Schotte is the creator of The Ascension Oracle: Guidance for Accelerated Spiritual Growth™ and The Ascension Oracle Solutions.

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