
Vaastu Tips for Wellbeing

Dr Aarushi Sadhotra

Vaastu is not just about designing and decorating your house but to enhance positive energies in the premises so that a sense of physical and mental wellbeing prevails for the family members. This year has been immensely tough and uncertainties related to job, career, growth, finances, continue to be distressing for everyone. Pandemic Covid-19 has drained almost each and every individual mentally, if not much, physically. There is not much we can do about the pandemic unless a vaccine is discovered but we can surely keep ourselves cushioned in an environment where we are least affected by the worries born out of Covid. Positivity and good physical-mental health are what can help you sail through this rough patch smoothly.

Here are few suggestions for getting over this phase easily:

Prayer and meditation

Though meditation is not an easy task, but if practiced regularly can bring enormous positivity in us and we will be able to remain untouched by the worries of the uncertainties around us. If meditation seems difficult, one must sit for prayers every morning and evening. Ensure that prayer or meditation room is in North-East or East and morning sun rays are embracing you with all its positivity.

Clutter free and organized house

The most important rule of Vaastu is to keep your house well organized and clutter free. Do not keep unwanted things stacked in cupboards or storeroom. Give them away to someone who is needy and would use them happily. A clean and organized house is going to give you a clear vision and ability to take correct decisions and correct decision is what brings happiness and prosperity in life.

Placement of room, kitchen and washroom


Kitchen should always be in the Southeast direction of the house, master bedroom in Southwest, second bedroom in South or West and toilets between South and Northwest. A Vaastu compliant house is surely going to have healthy family members as compared to the family living in non Vaastu complaint house. One must follow remedies, to avoid the negativity generated because of wrong directional placement of rooms, toilets and kitchen.

Cuts and extensions

Avoid too many cuts and extensions in the directions. Only Northeast extension is considered auspicious. House and rooms inside should either be square or rectangular in shape. There should not be any awkward layout of the house or any sharp corners in house.



Grow tall and thick trees in South and West and short shrubs in North and East. If you do not have enough space in house and are living in a flat or apartment, have at least one balcony with plants. Spending time with plants is certainly going to improve your mental health and balance the root chakra.

Ventilation and aroma

Lack of proper ventilation in a house can be really suffocating and can cause anxiety issues to the inmates. It is very important to have lots of windows in East and North and less in southern and western side of the house. Aroma diffusers and camphor balls can increase the energy level of a closed space up to great extent.


Choose colors wisely, which are seen in various forms like upholstery, decors, furniture and walls. Light and pastel colors should be opted for East and North directions and dark shades can be used on South and West walls. However, too bright and fiery colors should be avoided in a house, as they tend to disturb our mental health and peace of mind subconsciously.

Vaastu-tips-for-well-being_4Dr Aarushi Sadhotra is a post graduate in Management and after working for a decade in HR Department of Telecom industry she found her calling in – “Vaastu Shastra”. After completing Ph.D. in Vaastu, she pursued few years of extensive research in Vaastu science and practiced under expert’s supervision, and that’s when she founded “Vaastublessings” – a consultancy for people seeking advices on Vaastu for commercial and residential complexes. Vaastublessings provides onsite as well as off- site consultation in India and overseas. Dr Aarushi is an author as well and has been writing articles for various publications.

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