
Vaastu in Feng Shui for Peace of Mind

Pandit Gopal Sharma

Vaastu and Feng Shui help in living in harmony with Nature, whereas peace of mind is a state of mental and emotional calmness, with no worries, fear or stress. In this state, the mind is quiet, and you experience a sense of happiness and freedom.

In India, there is a healing prayer that encompasses health and happiness for all in life.

Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah

Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah
Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu

Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih

Here are effective tips to attain peace:

  1. Stay away from negative conversations and from negative people, if you do not want their thoughts and words to sink into your subconscious mind and affect your moods and state of tranquility.
  2. do not hold grudges. learn to forget and forgive. nurturing ill feeling and grievances hurts you more and causes lack of sleep and loss of peace.
  3. do not be jealous of others. Being jealous means that you have low self-esteem and consider yourself inferior to others. Jealousy and low self-esteem, often, lead to lack of peace of mind.
  4. there is a famous saying that people are not suffering from their own sorrows but rather suffering from the happiness and comforts of their neighbors. hence, one should always count the infinite blessings in life and focus less on the lives of others.
  5. a learned saint said that if you do not repeat your mistakes, then adversity will cease to come to you and you will enjoy peace forever.

We all know that our surroundings also make us feel and respond to the world in a certain way. these responses affect our health, our career choices, our marriages, as well as our ability to develop rewarding relationships.

Vaastu Shastra, the sacred science from India, creates a harmonious stress-free living and work environment, and supports success in all areas of life. in Vaastu, there are solutions or “cures” for creating harmony and balance in the environment. it involves proper landscaping by the use of stones, planting of trees and plants, as well as the use of water and lights to add energy to our lives.

With Feng Shui one can furnish interiors in a positive way to create a healthy, prosperous life and avoid the damaging effects of modern technology. With the use of colors, furniture and furnishings, we can be revitalized by the subtle currents of life force that flows in the premises. a home, for instance, would offer its occupants a beneficial connection with the environment if it were near a source of fresh water and protected from harsh winds. this common sense approach to building occurs in most cultures in the general sense of relating to the earth as sacred space.


Feng Shui is associated with the cosmic breath or chi that animates all of us, linking man to his surrounding. it is also known as the human spirit and universal energy that harnesses/enhances environmental peace. this channeling improves the flow of energy in our living and working space as well as in our bodies, thus improving our life and destiny and promoting the health and good fortune of the inhabitants.

Vaastu Shastra, the sacred science from India, creates a harmonious stress-free living and work environment, and supports success in all areas of life.

To achieve a balanced and harmonious Vaastu and Feng Shui design for any environment, follow these tips for wonderful results.


  1. Use the five elements of Feng Shui – water, wood, fire, earth and metal in interior designing, furniture and objects in different elements and colors.
  2. Carefully choose the shapes of objects and furniture. Different shapes bring about varied feelings and tend to balance the environment in different ways.
  3. according to Feng Shui design guidelines, beds should not be right across the door and should be against a wall to provide protection and stability of relationships.
  4. Correct Feng Shui design will allow people to feel good and comfortable in their interiors. It should be natural and balanced, providing comfort to those occupying it.
  5. do not overdo and clutter the house with too many items. remember, balance is the key to great Vaastu design.
  6. Keep all gadgets including watches and wall clocks in your home/workplace in perfect, functioning condition. Replace anything that is old, broken or faded. repair peeling paint, cracked walls and ceilings, and leaky faucets. Ensure that all windows and doors are in good working condition without noise.
  7. don’t place your bed on a wall that has a toilet on the other side. this is considered a health hazard in Feng Shui.
  8. mirrors should be placed strategically in the desired directions of northeast, East, north and West only. But reflection of the bed in a mirror or having a water body in the bedroom is very inauspicious and can even lead to separation. the mirror when placed in the northeast, north or East direction is beneficial during the day, but must be covered while sleeping to ensure health, harmony and peace in the house.
  9. it is highly recommended to decorate the house with various beautiful objects made of crystals to attract light, illuminate relationships and ensure peace of mind.


Fengshui6Pandit Gopal Sharma – Born in a family of Vedic scholars and spiritual healers, Pandit Gopal Sharma researches ancient sciences like Vaastu, Feng Shui, Pyramid Power and numerous facets of astrology. A corporate advisor to leading business houses in India and abroad, Pandit Sharma has authored many books. He is the vice president of the All India Federation of Astrologers Societies and founder-President of Institute of Vaastu and Joyful Living. www.panditgopalsharma.com

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